Wednesday, January 03, 2007

It's 2007: Dig In!

Found out, yesterday, that I may not be getting an office with a window any time in the near future. On the bright side, though, the rationale is based on the hope that a new building is in the offing. Looks like the move will happen within the next week - gotta get "shopping" for a new desk (that gray military-issue thing ain't stayin'!), and an area rug. Lino floors are yuck. We're all supposedly getting carpeting, this summer, so I may just make do with a rug that someone abandoned in one of the Moore Building studios. OTOH, if I can get something a little nicer, on short notice.....

Saw the good doctor (Kwok), this morning, and got an EKG (which took less than 2 minutes!). The readout says I'm quite healthy - doc noted that the electrical impulses in my heart are consistent with someone who is very physically active. P (upper heart) and T (lower heart) waves were normal as was the straight line between the ST segment and T wave. (You can decipher all of this at WebMD.) The reason I went to see Kwok is because my new Polar RS100 heart rate monitor (received as a birthday/Christmas gift from my in-laws - Thanks, Mel & Eleanor!) was reporting strange figures. Having gotten the green light on training for a marathon and a couple of centuries (biking 100+ miles per day), I can hit the Start Button on the training program.

So, here are some of the events I may do in 2007:

Heat the Streets 10K* (Downtown Detroit, February 10)
Goal: Complete the course in 52:45 (8:30 pace) or less.
*A fundraiser for the City of Detroit Department of Human Services and The Heat And Warmth (THAW) Fund, Heat the Streets is part
of Detroit's Winter Blast festival.

Martian Marathon (Dearborn Heights, MI; April 1st)
Goal: Complete the course in 4 hours (9:10 pace) or less.

Dexter-Ann Arbor Run (Dexter, MI; June 3rd)
Goal: Complete the half-marathon course in 1:55 or less. (PR = 1:57:24)

One Helluva Ride (Chelsea, MI; July 7 or 14 - website not up to date)
Goal: Complete the century course in 5 hours or less. (Avg Spd = 20 mph)

Run Through Hell (Hell, MI; August 11th? - no info available)

Apple Cider Century (Three Oaks, MI; September 30)
Goal: Complete the century course in 5 hours or faster than One Helluva Ride.

I'm Diggin' In!!

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