The fellow who did my surgery, Stephen Haase, and his crew was fantastic! When the half-cast came off, last Monday, Dr. Haase was a little concerned about a bump on the back of my right hand (ganglion cyst?), but after some ultrasound examination, all of the ligaments (in particular, the scapholunate joint) appear intact and, apparently because there was fluid around the tendons in the area of the puffiness, synovitis was ruled out. It seems this was the result of either the initial insult (the fall) or related to the surgery. Whichever was the case, the bump has dissipated nicely.
I'm hoping to get some peri- and post-op films so I can see exactly what this bone appliance looks like. It's made of titanium so it won't set off airport security alarms and I'll be okay for MRIs. Just hope the screws don't work themselves loose!
So, I'm back on the plan to train for the Martian Marathon in April. More later.